
Blackhole Simulation


A raytracer with a gravitational lensing approximation written in C++

Analysis of Racial Bias in LendingClub Loans

Python, Pandas, Seaborn, Statsmodels

Statistical analysis on the real-world lending data of 25 000 000+ loan applications for the Citadel Summer Datathon


Python, Django, WebRTC, Redis, WebSocket, SQLite

A roulette-style tutoring system with a Django backend that connects students to teachers on a first-come first-serve basis

FPGA Neural Network

VHDL, Python, Tensorflow

A multilayer perceptron as a digital circuit written in VHDL


TypeScript, React Native, Google Cloud Vision, Firebase, Magnus UI

A vaccine passport and contact tracing system with consumer side and enterprise side mobile applications


Python, Pygame, Numpy

A real-time 3D raytracing engine in Python